The following schedules show the
standard yearly pesticide application rates
for growing Murcott Oranges and Grapefruit in Florida. These
application schedules are exact printings from a citrus grove
management company in Vero Beach - Indian River County, Florida. Although, all these chemicals find
their way into Florida's environment - note the use of the DDT containing pesticide Kelthane (outlined in red) in each orange and grapefruit spray schedule.
Directly below is the spray schedule for Murcott Oranges.
Following this is the Grapefruit
Spray Schedule.
Prebloom | Rovral | 1 pint |
N-SUR | 1 gallon | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
Petal fall on early bloom | Rovral | 1 pint |
Kocide 101 | 8 pounds | |
N-SUR | 1 gallon | |
Goemar BM | 1 quart | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
10 days - 2 weeks later | Rovral | 1 pint |
Kocide 101 | 8 pounds | |
Gomar BM | 1 quart | |
Techmangum | 5 pounds | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
2 weeks later | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Oil | 2 gallons | |
Zinc | ||
17 days later | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Lorsban | 3 pints | |
Goemar BM | 1 quart | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
15 days later | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Oil | 2 gallons | |
Kelthane (contains DDT) | 3 pints | |
Optional | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
June 10 | Kocide 101 | 6 pounds |
Oil | 3 gallons | |
Ethion | 2.5 pints | |
Agrimek | 5 ounces | |
August 1 | Kocide 101 | 2 pounds |
Oil | 3 gallons | |
Agrimek | 5 ounces | |
Keyplex 350 | 2 quarts | |
September 1 | Aliette | 2 pounds |
7-0-20 | 2 gallons | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce |
Elongated bloom | Carbamate | 3 pounds |
Goemar BM | 1 quart | |
N-Sur | 1 gallon | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
70% Petal Fall | Carbamate | 3 pounds |
Goemar BM | 1 quart | |
N-Sur | 1 gallon | |
Techmangum | 5 pounds | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
10 days later | Benelate | 1.5 pounds |
Lorsban (Chlorpyrifos) | 3 pints | |
Kinetic | 1 ounce | |
2 weeks later | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Oil | 2 gallons | |
Zinc | ||
Kelthane (contains DDT) | 3 pints | |
17 days later | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Goemar BM | 1 quart | |
Oil | 1 gallon | |
Approx. May 30 | Kocide 101 | 8 pounds |
Oil | 2.5 gallons | |
Ethion | 2.5 pints | |
Agrimek | 5 ounces | |
Approx. Aug 1 | Oil | 3 gallons |
Agrimek | 5 ounces | |
Keyplex 350 | 2 quarts | |
Approx. Sept 1 | Aliette 2 pounds | |