Help Us Investigate Environmental Causes for Common Cancers Affecting
These include Brain Cancer, Neuroblastoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma,
Aplastic Anemia and Others
By Wayne Sinclair, M.D.
Richard W. Pressinger, M.Ed.
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Vero Beach, Florida
As there is extensive research showing cancers such as brain cancer, neuroblastoma, lymphomas, aplastic anemia and leukemia can result from exposure to man-made chemicals, please complete the form below to help us investigate major contributing causes.
We are especially interested with acquiring information regarding any cancers affecting children. Information is being compiled by the office of Dr. Wayne Sinclair, M.D. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Vero Beach, Florida. This survey has been developed to gain insight toward the increases being observed in the U.S. and other countries in cancers that affect the brain, nervous system and blood. Your survey answers can then be sent to us by pressing the "SEND-SURVEY" button at the end of the survey.
Sometimes the cause of cancer can be illusive, as many chemicals can be involved that
could be adding to genetic damage. Researchers now agree that cancer results from what is
called a multi-stepped process in which several biological changes must occur before the
cancer can develop. These can include:
Although anyone with cancer or a representative for someone with cancer can complete this form, we are especially concerned with the increasing incidence rates of child and adult brain and nervous system cancers being detected over the past 40 years in all industrialized countries. Researchers agree this increase is not just the result of better detection or an increase in the numbers of older individuals.
Individuals completing this form will receive an immediate "thank-you" email
giving you the address to our highly informative website on child brain and nervous system
cancers which outlines the major ongoing research linking exposure to many modern day
chemicals with child cancers. This information is invaluable to families who wish to
insure the maximum likelihood of remission by removing certain environmental factors that
have only recently been found to cause child cancers.
Environmental Cancer
Survey Form
Send completed information at end of form by pressing SEND SURVEY button After processing your responses, you will receive an email showing current findings among respondents and detailed information to why specific questions were asked. Environmental circumstances appearing elevated for your questionnaire will be discussed.
Note: Not all questions below imply a possible causation factor but need to be investigated when looking for possible interactions. Completing this survey will take about 10 minutes for the 60 questions - Thank you.